High performance electronic clamp instrument that be used in cell culture room with single electrode or to make continuous recordings of TEER, PD and Isc from epithelia mounted in the single Ussing chamber. Main features: Power: obtained from power bank or the USB connection to a PC, high accuracy because of high resolution ADC and digital filtering, recording of TEER, PD and impedance spectrum within 2 secs, data transfer to PC via USB.
Recording of Rt and PD is done high accuracy (24 bit) ADC controlled by Cortex microcontroller (see section 6 STEC). Data recorded in cell culture room are stored on SD card. These data in ASCII format can be imported in MS Excel.
When used in experiments with single Ussing chamber and recording PD-RT continuously, the instrument is connected to a PC via USB port. Software for recording and storing the dat in the PC are available. Data are stored in ASCII files and can be imported in MS Excel.